Robert Miller Christy Members may be interested to learn that a biography of the Essex naturalist and antiquary Robert Miller Christy by W. Raymond Powell, is being published in the Essex Journal in four parts. Part 1 is in the Essex Journal Vol. 40 no. 2 pages 46 to 54 (Autumn 2005) and part 2 in Vol.41 No. 1 pages 5 to 11 (Spring 2006) (this volume has been mis-numbered as Vol.44). There are two further instalments to follow. John Ray A new publication about our illustrious Essex-bom naturalist has recently been published. Titled 'John Ray (1627 - 1705) Pioneer in the Natural Sciences by Malcolm Bryan, the book is available from the John Ray Trust, Town Hall Centre, Market Square, Braintree, Essex CM7 3YG. Price £8.25 which includes post and packaging. East of England Plan The Examination in Public into the Draft East of England Plan has now finished and the examining panel has now submitted its report which will now be considered by the Secretary of State. The proposed changes will be published in late 2006 followed by a 3 month period of public consultation. The final draft plan will be imposed in Spring 2007. Anyone wishing to keep up to speed with developments can access the two volumes (Report & Appendices) on-line at http:// planning/?a=42496 or hard copies can be obtained from The Regional Planning Team on 01223 372547 (copies cost £10 per volume includes postage costs). The implications for Essex are pretty horrendous, a staggering 124,500 new homes are to be built in the county (1,100 more than originally requested). At a local level this means 16,000 for Chelmsford (up 2,000), 7,700 for Braintree, 8,000 for Uttlesford etc, etc. Ipswich and Colchester Museums There are proposals to amalgamate Colchester and Ipswich Museums services with the possibility of joining forces in 2007. Colchester would be the lead partner in any re-organisation. The proposals would lead to a regional rather than a local museum service. Ipswich itself may become a unitary authority (like Southend or Thurrock) in the not too distant future. This is further evidence of the creeping regionalisation of the East of England and if the bureaucrats have their way will result in the demise of the county system as administrative boundaries. This will have implications for the Field Club. The Essex Society for History and Archaeology The above society has re-housed its library containing some 15,000 volumes atthe Albert Sloman library part of the University of Essex at Wivenhoe Park near Colchester. The library is said to be one of the most important archaeological libraries in East Anglia. Wallasea Island The sea wall at Wallasea Island was breached this July to create a huge 115 hectare wetland, said to be the biggest projects of its type in western Europe. Essex History Fair I attended the Essex History Fair on June the 25" held in Braintree Market Place and the Museum. Attended by representatives from many Essex museums and local history societies it was a useful forum for meeting those interested in the history of the county and for me a useful point for keeping up to date with the latest publications concerned with Essex. 10 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 51, September 2006