Ambassadors for the Field Club! Jacquey Bunn and Roger Newton 93 Dunkeld Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2PT Cambridge Natural History Society For the last 18 months we have attended fungi forays organised by the Melboum Fungi Group of Cambridgeshire who hold forays throughout the year. We have become firm friends with Helene Davies, their enthusiastic leader, who attended the Essex Field Club Annual Exhibition and Social last year (December 2005). This year we were honoured to receive an invitation from the Cambridge Natural History Society to exhibit at their annual "Conversazione" or exhibition on June 17 and 18. There were 30 individuals and organisations exhibiting on all aspects of Natural History which were displayed on laboratory benches in the Cambridge University Department of Zoology, which included bee keeping, restoration projects, historical documents, conference posters and fungi specimens found whilst walking. The exhibition in particular gave children the opportunity to gain knowledge of the natural world. We represented the Essex Field Club Fungi Group and took with us the Field Club leaflets and showed our fungi photos and PowerPoint presentation that we showed at our annual exhibition last year. As a result of these two very successful days Dr Toby Carter (Cambridge Natural History Society President) expressed a desire to strengthen links with all local Natural History Societies and would like to encourage the Essex Field Club to have a larger representation at next years "Conversazione". Epping Forest Ladies Day We were invited to attend, on behalf of our President who was unable to attend, the Epping Forest and Commons Committee Ladies Day Luncheon. The City of London owns and manages, at its own expense, thousands of acres of open spaces. The Epping Forest and Commons Committee manages the open spaces within and around the capital for the benefit and pleasure of residents and visitors. The open spaces managed by this committee are Epping Forest, West Wickham and Coulsdon Commons, Burnham Beeches and Ashtead Common. The event was held on 4th July at the Warren House, Epping Forest in honour of the Past Chairman Deputy Christine M. Cohen, OBE. The day started with drinks on the lawn at the Warren House followed by a short trip by coach to Strawberry Hill and a walk down Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 51, September 2006 13