Epping Forest Ladies Day Walk photograph Jacquey Bunn Earls Path to view the successful restoration of a small patch of heath land, where Dr Jeremy Dagley the Epping Forest Senior Manager explained how they had carried this work out. As well as the work to encourage the return of the Nightingale to Epping Forest by allowing an area of immature scrubland trees to flourish, and this, he said, had been successful. It gave us a fascinating insight into the maintenance of the Forest and its diverse habitats whilst balancing the needs for public recreation. The highlight of the day for us was the sumptuous meal held in an outdoor marquee on the lawn of Warren House. The Lady Mayoress, Mrs Tessa Brewer, who led the response to the speeches given by the Chairman Mrs Wendy Mead and Deputy Christine M Cohen, OBE. We also managed to enlighten many people on the role of the Essex Field Club. An interesting and thought provoking day all round. 14 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 51, September 2006