a Green-winged Orchid Orchis morio. We searched far and wide to find another, to no avail, but this was definitely the Find of the Day. Some fungi were found by Martin and Barbara Chapman, mainly old Meadow Puffball Vascellum pratense and Grey Puffball Bovista plumbea, both common in grassy meadows. This meadow was sloping towards the south-west, and had some interesting plants, such as Bugloss Anchusa arvensis, but the next meadow to the north was flat, and was directly across the A13 from Jill's Field; indeed, they were the same piece of land until the A13 cut a huge groove through the middle. Tim had visited this area in 1999 and found it interesting, but it was new to me. Here were found many of the same special plants as we had already seen to the east, but some species were missing. This area was rather spoilt by burnt-out cars and other rubbish, and seemed slightly degraded, not just by the rubbish but perhaps by recent large animals grazing or similar, but it still produced an impressive list of scarce plants such as Clustered Clover Trifolium glomeratum, Subterranean Clover Trifolium subterranean, Early Forget-me-not Myosotis ramosissima, Changing Forget-me-not Myosotis discolor, Slender Parsley-piert Aphanes australis, Little Mouse-ear Cerastium semidecandrum and others. By about 5:15 we had all had enough and called it a day, but we had been very pleased with the areas we had surveyed and the interesting and beautiful plants we had seen. Thanks go especially to Ken Adams, County Recorder, for his special skills, and to Tim Pyner for finding and identifying so many new finds. Jill's local knowledge of the landscape and paths was invaluable, and Barbara and Martin made new finds too, so a good afternoon was enjoyed by all. MapMate records If you are using MapMate for your biological records, then please send these on regular occasions using the MapMate synchronisation process. If the County Recorder MapMate details are not listed overleaf, please contact your County Recorder to find out whether they are able to receive records in this form or you can send your MapMate records to Peter Harvey (cuk 2gv and email grays@peterharvey.freeserve.co.uk), who will forward them on. Current details for County Recorders who are definitely able to receive MapMate sync records are as follows, but at least 6 more are or will be using MapMate and may be able and willing to receive records in this way: County MapMate Email Taxonomic groups Recorder CUK Tim Gardiner 3kb tg@writtle.ac.uk Orthoptera Brian Goodey 6qa essexmoths@dsl.pipex.com Lepidoptera Mark Hanson 6q4 rrark@hanson2468.fsnet.co.uk Veteran Trees Neil Harvey 2hb neilh@essexwt.org.uk Larger Brachycera Peter Harvey 2gv grays@peterharvey.freeserve.oo.uk Arachnida, Hymenoptera, Isopoda David Scott 6qn david.scott76@btopenworld.com Reptiles and amphibians Del Smith 6bc delsmith444@btinternet.com Diptera (except hoverflies and larger Brachycera) 22 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 51, September 2006