for Gift Aid donation. And for those members currently paying their subscriptions by cheque or standing order/direct debit you are very welcome to pay an extra sum in addition to your annual payment. The Inland Revenue is very generous in this respect; all charities are allowed up to 6 years to claim back any tax. So it gives us plenty of time to contact you and obtain a Gift Aid declaration and for you to declare that the extra funds you are paying are to be treated as Gift Aid donations. SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER Subscriptions for the year 2006 were due on the 1st January and a renewal fo mi has been sent with this newsletter. If you do not pay by standing order, please send your subscription to the Membership Secretary Del Smith. Please note the new details: Milltown of Dunnideer, Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6XQ Tel: 01464 820732 Even if you pay by standing order, please consider making an additional donation. If you do not currently pay by standing order, please consider changing to this method. Every year a great deal of effort and money is spent reminding some members about their subscription. HOMO BRITANNICUS: The Incredible Story of Human life in Britain by Chris Stringer We have received the following information about this book published by Penguin Press: it is an unprecedented history of the British Isles that brings together all the latest archaeological, Palaeontological, and geological evidence. Chris Stringer has been leading the Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project, whose collaboration this book represents. Together with local archaeology' groups they have cast new light on so many fascinating questions about our early history, not least pushing back the earliest date of human arrival by 200,000 years. The book is fully illustrated and contains some wonderful original photography of the Natural History Museum's collections. It also includes original maps based on AHOB's work showing the shape of Britain from 700,000 years ago to the present. This is the culmination of extraordinary endeavours by many people, including members in the Field Club. Various sites of archaeological and historical importance in Essex are mentioned in the book, for example Aveley, Marks Tey, Purfleet and West Thurrock. It has received many excellent reviews. This book will be essential reading for all those interested in human history or, indeed, in the story of the British landscape. The RRP of the book is £25, but it is currently available at for £12.50. 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 52, January 2007