4) The woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach 1803), eventually succeeded the steppe mammoth. This is probably the commonest fossil elephant found in Essex. It lived from about 350,000 to 10,000 years ago. Most mammoths became extinct after this. This species was 11 feet tall and weighed 6 tons and grazed in the cold arctic tundra-like steppe dry grassland environments. They survived the cold because of their 3 layered hairy coat and 4 inches of insulating fat beneath its skin. Much research is currently being carried out on fossil elephants by workers such as Adrian Lister, Andrei Sher and Danielle Shreeve. Apparently as the mammoth evolved the skull and jaw became progressively shorter and higher. The height of the molar crowns increased, as did the number of enamel plates in the molars, and the tooth enamel thinned. It is believed these changes occurred because of a change in diet - from the soft leaves of a wooded habitat to the tougher grasses that sprang up as the climate became progressively colder during periods of glaciation. Dating: Pleistocene deposits are usually correlated with Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages. Some Essex Pleistocene deposits are as follows: Table 1. Some dates for some Elephant finds Oxygen British Years Flephant Sites Isotope Stage Before Stage_______________________Present________________________________________________ 4-2________Devensian________70-13,000 Bocking, Great Totham_____________________ _5__________Ipswichian________110,000______Chelmsford: East Mersea; Walton-on-the-Naze 1__________Ilfordian__________210,000 Aveley, Ilford. Wrabness____________________ _9_________Hoxnian__________300,000 Copford; Grays; Marks Tey; Purfleet__________ 11_________Swanscombe______400,000______Clacton; Cudmore Grove____________________ A Few Locations: Table 2. Some Essex Elephant finds Key: E=Elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) ; M=Mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii or Mammuthus primigenius). Mast =Mastodon (Anancus arvernensis). Locality Grid Ref: Type Age Dure Reference Aveley TQ 551808 E Stage 7 1964 Bridgland 1994 p. 251 Sandy Lane Quarry_________________________M____________________________________________________ Ballingdon________________________________M_____________________1835 Lydekker 1886__________ Barking___________________________________M_____________________1906 Cole 1910 p.30__________ Barling___________________________________M_____________________________Lake 1986 p. 35_________ Bocking TL 759254 M Devensian 1956 Whitaker 1878 p. 72; Catley l960p. 387; __________________________________________________________________________Ellison 1986 p. 50_______ Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 52, January 2007 11