Locality Grid Ref: Type Age Date Reference Walton-on-the-Naze E Stage 5 1852 Lydekker 1886 ___________________________________________M_____________________________George 1997a___________ West Thurrock E Stage 7 Schreve 2004 p. 74 Lion Pit Tramway__________________________M_____________________________________________________ Wethersfield______________________________E______________________________Whitaker 1878 p. 66 White Colne_______________TL 875286 M_____________________________Wymer 1985 p.251 Widford__________________________________M_____________________________Wymer 1985 p.247 Wrabness E Stage 7 1701 George 1997b ___________________________________________M_____________________________________________________ Writtle | TL 692072 (E) | E | | | Wymer 1985 p.247 Bibliography Adams, A Leith. 1879. Monograph on the British Fossil Elephants. Palaeontographical Society Monograph. Alison, J. et al. 1952. Late-Glacial Deposits at Nazeing in the Lea Valley, North London. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B. No. 632. Vol. 236 pp. 169-240. Bridgcland, D. R. 1994. Quaternary of the Thames. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 7. ISBN 0 412 48830 2. 441 pages. Brisow, CR. 1985. Geology of the Country around Chelmsford. Memoir of the British Geological Survey. ISBN 0 11 884335 4 108 pages. Camden, W. 1695. Britannia. Catley. C.E. 1960. Mammoth Remains at Bocking. Transactions of the Essex Ar- chaeological Society Vol. 25(3) N.S. page 387. Cole, W. 1910. Pelvis of Mammoth (?) from Barking. Essex Naturalist Vol. 15 pp. 30-31+Plate & figure. Daniels, M.C.S. 1980. Excavation of Pre-Historic, Roman and Recent Man in the Vicinity of Chigwell, Essex. ISBN 0 907081 02 9. 18 pages. Ellison, R.A. & Lake, R.D. 1986. Geology of the Country around Braintree. Memoir of the British Geological Survey. ISBN 0 11 884393 1. 69 pages. George, W.H. 1997a. Prospecting for Pleistocene Macro-mammalian remains at Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex in the Nineteenth Century. Essex Field Club Newslet- ter No. 20. February 1997 pp. 3-6. George, W.H. 1997b. An Ipswichian Interglacial site at Wrabness, Essex. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 21. May 1997 pp. 4-6. George, W.H. 1998. John Gibson (1778-1840) manufacturing chemist and collector of Pleistocene fossils from Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire and Ilford, Essex. 20 pages. ISBN 0953409201. George. W.H. 1999. Sir Antonio Brady (1811-1881) civil srvant, fossil collector and philanthropist of West Ham, Essex. 36 pages. ISBN 0953409202. George, W.H. Dr. Richard Payne Cotton (1820-1877) Physician and collector of Ilford fossils. 24 pages. ISBN 0 9534092 2 8. Lake, R.D. et al. 1986. Geology of the Country around Southend and Foulness. ISBN 0 11884391 5. 85 pages. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 52, January 2007 13