Lucy, G. 1999. Essex Rock: A Look Beneath the Essex Landscape. ISBN 0 9534832 0 7. 128 pages. Lufkin, J. 1701. Part of a letter from Mr. John Lufkin to the publisher, concerning some large bones, lately found in a gravel-pit near Colchester. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Vol. 22 pp. 924-926. Lydekker, R. 1886. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natu- ral History) Part IV. Morant, Philip. 1768. The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. Vol. 1 p. 502. Morris. G 1921. Mammoth Remains from Little Chesterford. Essex Naturalist Vol. 19 p. 326 Newton, E.T. 1896. Notes on the Remains of Pleistocene Mammals Found in the Neighbourhood of Chelmsford. Essex Naturalist Vol. 9 1896 pp. 16-19. Parkinson, J. 1811. Observations on some of the Strata in the Neighbourhood of London, and on the Fossil Remains contained in them. Transactions of the Geological Society. Vol. 1 pp. 324-354. Shreeve, D.C. The Quaternary Mammals of Southern & Eastern England: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association 2004. ISBN 0 907780 61X . 128 pages. Walker, H. 1881. A Day's Elephant Hunting in Essex. Transactions of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists 'Field Club. Vol. 1. pp. 28-58. Warren, S.H. 1918. Pre-History in Essex, as recorded in the Journal of the Essex Field Club. E.F.C Special Memoir Vol. 5. 44 pages. Whitaker, W 1878. The Geology of the N. W. Part of Essex and the N.E. Part of Herts. Memoir of the Geological Survey. 92 pages. Wymer, J. 1985. The Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia. Geo Books. 440 pages. ISBN 0 86094 147 7 14 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 52, January 2007