The second change is the formation of an advisor}' group to help the Trust coordinate the system more effectively by drawing on the expertise of other organisations. This group comprises representatives of Natural England, Environment Agency, Essex Biodiversity Project, Essex Field Club, Essex County Council, and the Essex Planning Officers Association Planning Policy Forum. The groups' key functions will include: • ensuring the system adheres, where practical, to national guidance; • supporting local authorities in the completion of regular reviews; • ensuring a consistent approach to site selection; and • assisting with the maintenance of an up-to-date county register of sites. The third and final change is the publication of a revised set of selection criteria. The new draft document has been produced as part of a wide-ranging, and ongoing, consultation among ecologists, naturalists, wildlife NGOs and statutory nature conservation agencies. In addition, since the only protection afforded to sites is through the planning system, local authority planners have played an important role in shaping the publication. It is hoped that once complete, the document will represent a comprehensive and robust set of selection criteria, which will make it easier to defend sites that come under threat from development. If you would like to read or provide comments on the new selection criteria the document is viewable at: Essex Biodiversity Project Gen Broad Joan Elliot Visitor Centre, Abbotts Hall Farm, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex C05 7RZ The Essex Biodiversity Project (EBP) aims to protect key species and habitats throughout the county by taking targeted and focused action. The Project is a partnership of over 40 local authorities, nature conservation bodies, statutory agencies, voluntary interest groups, businesses and community groups, working together to create maximum impact and drive the initiative forward. The Project is funded through contributions from Essex County Council, Essex Wildlife Trust, Natural England, Essex & Suffolk Water, local authorities and other organisations. One of our key partners is the Essex Field Club, with whom we work closely. For example, EBP provided funding to the Essex Field Club for the purchase of copies of Mapmate and to support the development of the brownfield site recording form on the new EFC website. The Essex Field Club helps to guide the work of the Project through representation on the steering group and members who provide essential expertise in many aspects of nature conservation. 16 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 53, May 2007