Exhibition and Social Meeting, Saturday 1st December Do come to this event, the biggest meeting of the year for the Essex Field Club! Put the date in your diary now! It is a great opportunity to see what the members and groups have been up to, what nearby related societies and clubs are doing, and to meet friends, old and new. If you are one of the many people who only know a few other members, here is your chance to meet lots more. Bring your own friends too; everyone is welcome whether members or not. There is food and drink, including wine, to help the afternoon along. Most of the Club's Recorders will be present, and other experts, so if you have bits and pieces that you would like identified, do bring them along. And it is all free! The venue is the Hall of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford, and the time is 2:30 to 5pm. Lots of parking space is available, or you can use public transport. Maybe you could set up a table display or similar, along with a friend or on your own, about an aspect of natural history that interests you particularly. If you want to book a table for your exhibit(s), please book with Mary Smith (01708 228921) as soon as possible. 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 54, September 2007