New Essex Moth Recorder appointed Some readers will know already that Brian Goodey has recently stepped down as Essex Moth Recorder. This post, which has been formally appointed by the Essex Field Club since recording began many years ago, has been held by Brian for a commendable twenty years! During this time there have been colossal changes in the way in which the flora and fauna are recorded and it is worthy of noting here that Brian has been at the forefront of some of these changes - computerising all of the Essex moth records and playing a major role in publicising moths and moth recording via the Essex Moth Group - an independent body of people specifically interested in moths in the county. Of course, Brian's main legacy is his 2004 publication The Moths of Essex, which covered the micros as well as the macros and brought up to date the earlier publications by Maitland Emmet, Geoff Pyman and others. We are extremely grateful to Brian for looking after our moth records so capably for so many years and for helping to put Essex at the very forefront of UK moth recording. We welcome as the new Essex Moth Recorder Mr David Allen, who has manfully stepped into Brian's metaphorical boots! As a result of Brian's meticulous validation, verification and then computerisation of records David inherits a ready made database free of errors and this will hopefully render the transition smooth and problem free. Of course, there will be a short period during which David will be getting to grips with the system, but once this is over he will be delighted to receive your Essex moth records for 2007 onwards. The address for sending these is 33 Old Forge Road, Layer-de-la-Haye, Essex C02 OJT. Please note, however, that whilst David is fitting the role of Moth Recorder into his busy schedule as a Head Teacher he is unable at the present moment to receive specimens for identification. If you have such material, please continue to send these to Brian Goodey. Although Brian has passed on the actual recording side of things to David, he remains a keen moth-er and is very happy to continue receiving material for naming (out of courtesy, please don't forget to send him the return postage if you want specimens returned). Of course, Brian also continues to maintain the Dissection Group Website for British Lepidoptera at Any lepidopterist who has not yet found this site should certainly take a look! Colin Plant, Vice President Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 54, September 2007 3