SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER Subscriptions for the year 2008 were due on the 1st January and a renewal form has been sent with this newsletter. If you do not pay by standing order, please send your subscription to the Membership Secretary Del Smith at Milltown of Dunnideer, Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6XQ Tel: 01464 820732 Even if you pay by standing order, please consider making an additional donation. We would be very grateful if all members who want the Club to be able to reclaim tax on their subscriptions and donations could complete and sign the gift aid declaration on the subscription reminder and return to Del Smith. If you do not currently pay by standing order, please consider changing to this method. Every year a great deal of effort and money is spent reminding some members about their subscription. President's Page Peter Harvey 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex RM16 2YP. Tel: (01375) 371571. Email: With Roger and Jacquey Newton's move to the south coast, Sarah Kenyon has agreed to take over as the new Treasurer, and we are enormously grateful to her for taking on this essential Club role. As reported in the last newsletter, Ken Adams has also taken over as Programme Secretary, and the new programme is enclosed with this newsletter. It is also available for download from the Club's website where details of meetings are available at Our annual Exhibition & Social held on Saturday 1st December 2007 was a great success with 100+ attendees and the usual excellent buffet and refreshments by Mary Smith. Members collecting their new Essex Naturalist once again saved us a considerable amount of postage, and together with donations the Ex&Soc pays for itself. We are enormously grateful to Mary Smith, and the rest of the Ex&Soc team Ken Adams, Lorna Heffron and Emma Simmonds. Another member very kindly made several of the cakes and Martin Heywood and many others all help to make sure that the event is a success and runs smoothly. It is a legacy to the late Charles Watson that this excellent event has been so successful and is now in its 9th (2008) year. As noted in the last newsletter, the results of the proposed new centre questionnaire have been very encouraging, with a high proportion of members taking the trouble to complete and return the form, and with a very high degree of support for the proposals. The results are summarised in detail at the end of this newsletter. Update on new centre situation Basildon, in partnership with other local authorities in the eastern region, have made a regional bid for European money against a suite of projects, including a Passiv Haus Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 55, January 2008 1