proposal for Wat Tyler, which would include our proposed new centre. We will not know the outcome of the application until February/March and may not be sure of the allocation (if successful) until later still. Added to this there is a tie-in with a partner organisation in the Wat Tyler development, match funding for which has yet to be finalised. However these proposals provide huge opportunities for the Club, and we await news with great hope and expectations. If this funding opportunity is not successful, other avenues are available, which we would immediately pursue. Essex Field Club website As readers will know, Teknica Ltd developed our new database-driven website early last year, and much has since been added both in content and facilities. The website is used by people from all over the world, with current usage at the rate of over 28,000 unique visitors per year. Teknica have recently added for us a weblog facility, so that any logged-on user can report interesting sightings, ask questions, report on field meetings and generally post pictures and information or questions generally relevant in some way to the wildlife and geology of Essex. In addition Teknica have added a stunning locate facility based on the google map and satellite resource where a user can locate and view places by postcode, address or grid reference. This has been linked to our site database tables, so that detailed satellite images of sites of wildlife and geological interest can be located automatically from site accounts. At the moment there is information for just a small sample of sites, but these will be added to as time allows, and logged on users can edit existing site information and add their own sites. A similar facility is available for species, and a new page category system is available to help locate the increasing numbers of pages that are being developed. These are just a small sample of what our website offers - please make use of all these developments. Biological Records in Essex Essex has long been in need of a properly funded and staffed biological records centre, to provide biological data, expertise and independent advice to support planners, conservation bodies and naturalists in the county. As the major holder, through our County Recorders, of accessible and reliable non-bird biological data in the county the Club has been involved in discussions for the development of the Biological Records in Essex (BRIE) partnership since its inception. The Steering Group has agreed to the development of an on-line pilot development by Teknica Ltd, and this was started in early November and will run for 20 weeks. The project involves close links between the Club, our existing website and the Essex Wildlife Trust, who have agreed to host the BRIE partnership. The product will be a web-based map search and information facility for biological records in Essex. A key feature of the development aims to supply users with a system that provides simplicity, ease of use, speed and access to quality data. As well as a level of public access to data and associated information (adding to that already provided by our website), consultancies, local authorities and other users will be able to access biological data held on the Club's website either through service level agreements or through an on-line pay by search facility. A crucial element of the whole project is to ensure that the recorders on the ground, the County Recorders and the Club all benefit from the systems in place. It is also essential that County Recorders retain control over the data they collate and manage, to ensure its continuing integrity and scientific value. 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 55, January 2008