Questionnaire: New Centre for Essex Field Club result summary There are approximately 320 memberships in the Club (individual, family, corporate etc. We have had 196 responses (61%). Question 1 The Essex Field Club is currently paying over £2000 per year to lease a storage facility for its collections and library in a situation that cannot provide access to members. Do you support the Club's efforts to house its collections and library in a permanent home that provides access to members and allows better curation? Response Number Totally Agree 190 Partially Agree 5 Neither Agree or Disagree 1 Question 2 Education, a wider participation role and reasonable public access to our collections will be a crucial part of funding bids we make. Do you support some public access to our collections? Wider role Number Totally Agree 170 Partially Agree 22 Neither Agree or Disagree 4 Question 3 Our membership has a wide geographical spread across the county (including the London Boroughs east of the River Lea) and extends well beyond Essex. There are good road and rail links to Wat Tyler Country Park. Do you support the location of a new centre for the Field Club at Wat Tyler Country Park? Location Number Totally Agree 117 Partially Agree 46 Neither Agree or Disagree 25 Partially Disagree 7 Totally Disagree 1 22 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 55, January 2008