Question 4 A centre at Wat Tyler Country Park would provide the Club with an excellent opportunity to raise its public profile and generate new members. Would you support a greater public profile and membership of the Club? Greater profile Number Totally Agree 173 Partially Agree 21 Neither Agree or Disagree 1 Question 5 A centre at Wat Tyler Country Park would also provide tire Club with excellent opportunities to increase collaboration with other natural history societies and nature conservation bodies in Essex. Would you support greater collaboration between the Club and other societies and bodies? Increased collaboration Number Totally Agree 177 Partially Agree 16 Neither Agree or Disagree 2 Question 6 Which benefits might you use at a new Essex Field Club centre? Access to the library 123 Access to the collections 114 Access to equipment such as microscopes, computers and field equipment 56 Access to the country park and other local wildlife habitats 88 Attending workshops 109 Attending field meetings 114 Attending indoor meetings 99 Question 7 How often might you use a new centre at Wat Tyler Country Park? How often might you visit Number Once a week 5 Once or twice a month 19 Once every couple of months 45 Once or twice a year 81 Less than once a year 46 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 55, January 2008 23