This is the time of year for much serious recording to start (and not to be stuck in front of a computer!), but the weather this spring has so far (mid April) not been particularly favourable compared to others in recent years. My sweet cherry tree produces a crop that is usually mostly eaten by Starlings before I get a chance to pick them, but the main factor is the weather at the time the flowers are out. Bumblebees and the Tawny Mining Bee Andrena fulva are the most important pollinators, with much rarer bees such as the Nationally Scarce Andrena tibialis making an occasional appearance here. This year we finally had some fine sunny weather to bring the cherry blossum out at the stall; of April, only to then get substantial snowfall that settled (at least in Grays) for at least a whole day (see Plate 1), not doing the crop's chances much good at all. The change a few days later (see front cover) means that there may be a good crop after all. Please help record some of the spring species by using our on-line forms for this species Andrena fulva, the bee fly Bombylius major and the flower bee Anthophora plumipes. Also help with records of the Lily Beetle, Rosemary Beetle, ladybirds, frogs etc. And don't forget one of our most under-recorded aculeates the Honey Bee! Although progress has been slower than we might have hoped, funding for a new centre at Wat Tyler Country Park is being actively explored to make sure the new centre will be delivered and I am pleased to report that the prospects for success are still good. Request for contributions to the Essex Naturalist Editorial Team We would make a plea to all County Recorders to produce even a brief summary report on their groups and to send it to Chris Gibson (email: by the beginning of July. Some groups have not been represented in the journal for some years. Snippits, information on records for 2-3 species new to Essex in recent years or any interesting observations on behaviour, distribution, ecology, phenology etc would all be very welcome, and would help to raise the profile of the taxonomic group to members. We will also be very pleased to receive contributions from any member, however small, for inclusion. Longer articles are also welcome, although these may need to be peer reviewed and held back for the following year. We are also always interested in striking photographs that would make a good cover picture. If you think you can help, please send images to Bill George (william- or Peter Harvey ( Images should be high quality, at least 300dpi and not heavily compressed. Peter can scan slides or negatives but we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to items. 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 56, May 2008