Name___________________________________Dates___________Interest____________________ John A. Salter_____________________________1841-1932_______horticulturalist_______________ J.C. Shenstone_____________________________1854-1935_______botanist_____________________ John Sims________________________________1749-1831________botanist_____________________ G. Slate__________________________________1753-1793________gardener & botanist___________ Thomas Smith_____________________________1857-1955_______horticulturalist_______________ Robert Spencer____________________________1923-1994_______ornithologist_________________ Percy Thompson___________________________1866-1953_______naturalist____________________ John Tradescant___________________________died 1637________naturalist____________________ Spencer Turner____________________________died 1776________horticulturalist_______________ E.G. Varenne_____________________________1811-1887_______naturalist____________________ Thomas Velley____________________________1748?-1806 botanist_____________________ Alfred Russell Wallace______________________1823-1913_______naturalist____________________ Richard Warner___________________________1713-1775_______botanist_____________________ Samuel Hazzledine Warren___________________1873-1958_______geologist & prehistorian________ William Whitaker__________________________1836-1925_______geologist____________________ Charles J. Welkin__________________________Died 1942________fruit-grower_________________ Ellen A. Wilmott 1858-1934 horticulturalist Arthur Smith Woodward_____________________1864-1944_______palaeontologist_______________ This rich biographical heritage is well worth recording in its own right. People can easily relate to real people and personalities and find ready access to natural history through biography. To this end it is suggested that the Essex Field Club sets up a biographical database of Essex naturalists on the Club's website. A useful 32 page framework for biographical articles is that prepared for contributors to the New Dictionary of National Biography published in 1994. This recommends the use of standard factual components for each biography as set out in the following template (pages 3-5): Personal data on the subject • Name: full names, alternative names, nicknames, short forms • Full dates of birth (or, as a second best, baptism), death, and burial • Titles: aristocratic titles, knighthoods and baronetcies, etc. • Place of birth (or, as a second best, baptism), death, and burial: addresses should be given if possible, and places identified by county, modern place name, or other means, if necessary. • Physical appearance, character traits. • Places(s) of settled residence: addresses should be given if possible, and places identified by county, modern place name, or other means, if necessary. • Cause of death: disease, condition or other cause: where possible, a contemporary report ________should be supplied, with subsequent interpretation, if any.______________________________ Family data • Father: name, vital dates (years only), occupation. • Mother: name, maiden name, vital dates (years only), occupation. • Subject's place in the family: number of sisters and brothers, seniority in relation to the subject. • Subject's spouse(s), or partner(s)' other than spouse (common-law spouse, established lover or mistress): full name, for women maiden name and former name if previously married, vital dates (years only), occupation, date of marriage or start of the liaison, date of dissolution. • Children: number, name(s) of parent(s) where the subject had more than one spouse or _______partner, more information if interesting or relevant.___________________________________ 12 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 56, May 2008