The Exhibition and Social meeting, 2008... ... is to be held on Saturday 22 November, at the usual venue, 2:30 to 5pm. The date is different, but the Essex Naturalist team are working to tighter deadlines to get the 2008 issue ready in time, so you can still collect your copy and copies for other EFC members who live near you. Do you realise that taking these copies in person saves the Club so much in postage that, effectively, the event pays for itself. So, no excuses this year, please come! Bring your friends, make new friends, explore all the exhibits, meet the Recorders, bring a puzzle item and get it identified, and have some sustaining refreshments to keep you going through the afternoon. Never been before? Come this year and give the largest Club meeting a try! Been before and enjoyed it? Bring some friends, members or not, all are welcome, and it is free! Come by bus from Chelmsford, or come with a full car as there is plenty of parking on-site. Could you set up an exhibit? Please contact Mary Smith (01708 228921, or to book the table(s) you need. Have you exhibited before, but feel stale with no new ideas? Get some friends to help you and have a table together. Bring some items to sell, perhaps, for another natural history organisation you belong to. Food is free, entrance is free, parking is free, tables for exhibits are free! Everyone welcome, including children and senior folk, for the best Essex Natural History exhibition of the year! The venue is the Hall of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford, and the time is 2:30 to 5pm, exhibitors from 1.30pm. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 57, September 2008 1