President's Page Peter Harvey 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex RM16 2YP. Tel: (01375) 371571. Email: Basildon have been successful in gaining further funding to develop Wat Tyler Country Park. Subject to the terms and conditions of the grant, and the formal approval by Basildon Council for this grant, the Club will be in a position to further develop its plans for a centre at the park by March. If successful, not only will the Club finally be in a position to gain a secure home for its collections and library, but there will be enormous opportunities for the Club to develop its membership and fulfil its charitable objectives, at the same time providing an addition to the education, training and visitor facilities at the park. It will herald a new era for the Club which we will need to embrace - there is a great opportunity here, but also a great challenge. In October the Club put in a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for funding to digitise the Club's publications back to 1880 and make them available on the internet as a searchable public resource together with an associated image library. We have just heard that we have been successful! Work will start on this in the New Year. In our efforts to slim down our very extensive collections and library, we had already identified our microscopy journals for disposal. The Queckett Microscopical Society has now helped us to find a good home for these, not only freeing up a substantial space in our extremely crowded storage facilities but also benefiting the Club with apayment of £313. Our annual exhibition and social was a great success, with our largest attendance yet and a good proportion of non-members attending. The excellent buffet and refreshments were as usual provided by Mary Smith, and our thanks go to Mary and the rest of the Ex&Soc team Ken Adams, Brian Ecott and Emma Simmonds for all the work done to make the event such a success. Donations at the event totalled £250.21, with £127 for surplus books and general donations of £ 123.21, and members collecting their new Essex Naturalist once again saved us a considerable amount of postage. At the AGM this year on Saturday 14th March we are pleased to have David I ledges, Senior Site Manager for RSPB South Essex Marshes, to provide our annual presentation. David will review the work the RSPB has already done and outline its future plans for the South Essex Marshes reserves vision. Don't miss this chance to learn about what the RSPB are doing in South Essex and ask questions or input your ideas. David Scott has been County Recorder for amphibians and reptiles for a great many years, and as well as recording and collating county records during this time he has published many articles in the newsletter and Essex Naturalist. David has decided it is time to retire and pass the reins on to someone new, and on behalf of the Club and Council I would like to thank David for all his hard work over the years. Jon Cranfield has taken over the role and although he currently lives in Hampshire he has strong links with Essex and of course the Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group and the Club's Herpetofauna Group. Jon would prefer that people submit records through email to or (also see MapMate details on last page of newsletter). His address is 38 Nursery Road, Alresford, Hampshire S024 9JR. Tel: 07769 644354. Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 58, January 2009 1