The Field Club has received a bequest of £1,850 from the Estate of the late Brenda Jane Woodliff of Hornchurch; this is a welcome addition to our funds. Brenda died last January and had been a member of the Field Club for many years, an active botanist in the Botany Group. Good News on Gift Aid The Charities department of H M Revenue and Customs has granted the Essex Field Club tax exemption on gift aid from 11 March 2006. The Examiner has decided that both membership subscriptions and donations will qualify for gift aid. This is very good news as this will allow us to maximise the amount of tax that we can reclaim under the gift aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer please complete, sign and date the gift aid declaration on your subscription renewal form. Declaration forms will also be available at the AGM. You only have to complete a declaration once and claims can be backdated to cover subscriptions and donations paid from March 2006. I would urge all eligible members to help the Club reclaim as much tax as possible under the Gift Aid scheme. If you need more information please contact Sarah Kenyon on 01799 510641 or email Sarah Kenyon SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER Subscriptions for the year 2009 were due on the 1st January and a renewal form has been sent with this newsletter. If you do not pay by standing order, please send your subscription to the Membership Secretary Del Smith at Milltown of Dunnideer, Insch, Aberdeenshire AB52 6XQ Tel: 01464 820732 Even if you pay by standing order, please consider making an additional donation. We would be very grateful if all members who want the Club to be able to reclaim tax on their subscriptions and donations could complete and sign the gift aid declaration on the subscription reminder and return to Del Smith. If you do not currently pay by standing order, please consider changing to this method. Every year a great deal of effort and money is spent reminding some members about their subscription. Also please consider making a bequest for the Club in your will. As a charity, a gift to the EFC could reduce your Inheritance Tax! 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 58, January 2009