but it was hard to convey the sight of hundreds of these light brown thin things all standing upright among the leaf litter on a very dull and gloomy day. Pipe Club Macrotyphula fistulosa photograph by Claudi Soler We returned to the car park at about 3:15, just as the drizzle was getting underway and the already poor light was fading further. The list is available on request to anyone interested. MapMate records If you are using MapMate for your biological records, then please send these on regular occasions using the MapMate synchronisation process. If the County Recorder MapMate details are not listed, please contact your County Recorder to find out whether they are able to receive records in this form or you can send your MapMate records to Peter Harvey (cuk 2gv and email grays@peterharvey.freeserve.co.uk), who will forward them on. Current details for County Recorders who are definitely able to receive MapMate sync records are as follows, but at least 7 more are or will be using MapMate and may be able and willing to receive records in this way: County Recorder MapMate Email Taxonomic groups CUK David Allen 8ny dja153@tesco.net Lepidoptera Tim Gardiner 3kb tg@Writtle.ac.uk Orthoptera Peter Hammond 6q2 peter.m.hammond@virgin.net Coleoptera Mark Hanson 6q4 Veteran Trees Neil Harvey 2hb neilh@essexwt.org.uk Larger Brachycera Peter Harvey 2gv grays@peterharvey.freeserve.co.uk Arachnida, Hymenoptera, Isopoda Jon Cranfield 6g5 JCranfield26@googlemail.com or Reptiles and amphibians essex_arg@hotmail.com Del Smith 6bc delsmith444@btintemet.com Diptera (except hoverflies and larger Brachycera) Simon Taylor 9gb Simon.Taylor@essex.gov.uk Mollusca 26 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 58, January 2009