The Exhibition and Social meeting, 2009... Saturday 5 December 2009 is the next Exhibition and Social meeting. This is the big event of the year for the Essex Field Club, so do put the date in your diaries now! Same place, same time, as last year, but a new date, and a whole new set of exhibitors and exhibits. Do come, and bring a friend or neighbour with you. Last year we had more people than ever, so let's see this year if we can beat last year's total of 120. The more people come, the more exhibitors are encouraged and the more money we save by not having to post your next copy of the Essex Naturalist. And everything is free: no entrance fee, no fee for having a table, no charge for the food and drinks, but you might like to buy something from some of the tables. Just come and meet lots of other Club members and people from related wildlife and natural history organisations in and around Essex, and learn from all the exhibits. Bring some puzzle items for identification as many experts will be present, or bring a curiosity to display. The meeting opens at 2:30pm and closes at 5pm, but come and go when you please. The venue is the hall of the church of the Blessed Sacrament in Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford (see diagrammatic map below, directions also available on the website). There is lots of parking space next to the hall, and a regular bus service from Chelmsford bus station. Maybe you would like to have a table to display things from your special interests or local area, or from another related club or group, in which case please book a table now with Mary Smith at or on 01708 228921. Don't leave booking to the last minute as you may be disappointed that all spaces and tables are booked. Book by 21 November, please, but, even better, book now. We look forward to seeing you there! Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 60, September 2009 1