President's Page Peter Harvey 32 Lodge Lane, Grays, Essex RM16 2YP. Tel: (01375) 371571. Email: Slow progress continues on a new centre for the Club at Wat Tyler Country Park. We will keep you informed as definite news becomes available. Good progress is being made with the Club's HLF funded digitisation project, with the majority of Essex Naturalist journals now digitised. Once digitisation of the Club's books, bulletins and journals is nearing completion, then work will begin in earnest on the project website for this vast resource of historical and modern county information. Once again I would request help from members in this process, both in volunteering to be involved in providing feedback on the project website as it is developed, but also in the production of abstracts and the computerisation of the Passmore Edwards Museum library card catalogue and handwritten inventory of the Club's collections. Members of the Club can now do abstracts on-line if they are registered on our website, from a link "My Archive Abstracts" in the "My stuff page. Any member can reserve one or more digitised Essex Naturalist volumes, access the pdf files of the papers in these volumes and submit abstracts to a database for future use in the project. Please help! A new website development provided for us by Mark Yeates at Teknica Ltd is a boundary digitiser which enables logged-on users to draw a line or polygon (such as a site boundary) on a google map background and save these to a database for use elsewhere on the website, for example in site account pages. We hope to extend this to allow users to add markers providing information e.g. on the location of car parking, access points, target notes (including image uploads) etc. Ordnance Survey has also released a beta version of OS OpenSpace API, which is free to access for applications publicly accessible on the internet. OS OpenSpace is particularly aimed at community based innovation and use by charities, non-profit making organisations, volunteer led groups and other social and community groups. The Club will be investigating this new facility with the aim of incorporating its Ordnance Survey map functionality into our website. OPAL (Open Air Laboratories) is a Lottery-funded £11.7 million initiative that will encourage people to discover, enjoy and protect their local environments, which aims to inspire the next generation of nature-lovers in the UK. It comprises a partnership of the Natural History Museum, Field Studies Council, National Biodiversity Network, Met Office, Royal Parks and 10 universities across England. There is an OPAL Research Project on Support for Natural History Societies and Recording Schemes, and the Club first participated in a questionnaire in January this year. At the end of May OPAL's annual funding call was launched, with grants of £500-£2000 available to support the work of society or recording schemes. The deadline for applications was 31st July 2009, so there was not much time for discussion and planning, but at our 2 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 60, September 2009