big bird flew out. Not being a birder, I thought it was probably a common partridge, but looking in a book it was probably a juvenile as it was very speckly browns all over. It has been a somewhat mixed summer so far, with warm spells and showery days. And August is likely to bring more unsettled weather. I wonder what the fungus season will be like? Not a surfeit but a Lamprey nonetheless Alan Roscoe Conservation Lecturer and Research Technician, Writtle College, Lordship Road, Writtle, Chelmsford CM1 3RR. Email On 12 March Writtle College conservation students were undertaking a faunal survey on the River Can near Warren Bridge just north of Writtle village at TL 679 072. A member of staff, Ron Fryer, was assisting and managed to capture a lamprey in a bucket. Sarah Burton, a student, took a 26 second video of the animal on her mobile telephone. The animal's mouthparts were not examined on site but subsequent examination of the footage, with particular reference to the dorsal fins, led to a tentative identification of Brook Lamprey Lampetra planeri. The video was sent to Huw Richards at the Kelvedon office of the Environment Agency for determination. Huw confirmed the species as L. planeri and advised that the most recent record of the species at that site (Warren Bridge is an EA monitoring site) was of two individuals in 2001. Natural England now recognises the species as 'uncommon' (Natural England, 2005) and, although still widespread, the species has declined (JNCC, no date). The National Biodiversity Network Gateway's ( most recent record of the species for grid square TL60 is from 1998. Anecdotal evidence also suggests a decline in the abundance of Lamprey species generally over recent decades so the presence of this animal was as welcome as it was unexpected. The animal was subsequently re-found by Ron Fryer in exactly the same place some two weeks later. References JNCC (no date) Brook lamprey [www document] protectedsites/sacselection/species.asp?FeatureIntCode=S1096 NATURAL ENGLAND (2005) Environmental Stewardship, Farm Environment Plan Guidance 007 Essex Field Club Newsletter No. 60, September 2009 9