3 SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1990 During 1990 14 new members joined the Club, but at the end of the year 20 names were taken off the membership list because of resignation or failure to pay subscriptions. A further 11 names were also removed because of very low standing orders, which had not been increased despite many reminders. The membership had fallen, therefore, by 17 in the year, standing at a total of 247 on 31st December, 1990. Early in the year, Naturalist No. 10, 'Essex Elms' by Mark Hanson was published. Two issues of the Bulletin were printed, edited by Adrian Vernon. At the AGM in March, Mark Hanson was elected President for one year, and Del Smith Vice President. Alan Bunker and Del Smith retired as the longest serving Ordinary Members of Council and David Bloomfield and Jeremy Ison were elected. The revised Rules were adopted at the AGM. Thirty-one meetings were held during the year. General Meetings arranged included visits to Danbury Common, the Chelmer Canal, a Basildon garden to see amphibians, Danbury to learn about bees, and fungus forays in Epping Forest in the spring and autumn. At the March AGM John Dobson gave his Presidential address on 'A Natural History Photographer in Essex' which he illustrated with many slides. The Bird Group again went to different parts of the county to visit varying habitats, arranging a total of 9 meetings. Botany Group meetings were also held throughout Essex and included studying lichens, mosses and liverworts. Badger watching from a hide, a bat walk and a deer meeting were arranged by the Mammal Group. As well as organising a visit to Woodbridge, the Geology Group heard Mr. Graham Ward lecture on the Geology of Essex. As usual the year ended with the Boxing Day Ramble. Sheila Leswell NEW MEMBERS Since the last issue of the Hulletin, the following members have joined the Club. We wish them many happy days with us. Mr. & Mrs. J. Claydon Basildon Mrs. A. Kidd Wanstead Mr. M. J. Parsons Billericay Mr. T. Pyner Westcliff on Sea Mr, C. C. Romer Chelmsford Mildred Parker