5 GENERAL MEETING, EPPING FOREST, 13TH APRIL, 1991 A beautiful, sunny, spring morning brought several Field Club members out for the third general meeting of the year, meeting at the Suntrap Field Centre on Church Road at High Beech. The intention was to investigate old enclosure boundaries in the Forest and several were looked at including the boundaries of a former churchyard in the Forest not far from the Field Centre. There were a number of enclosures in this area. Evidence was forthcoming, not only from the existing boundary banks, but in places also from the many introduced plants now growing in land restored to the Forest, including Hazel, Sycamore, Cherry Laurel, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Horse Chestnut, Norway Maple and Alkanet. Ivy was also found to carpet the ground, a feature typical of secondary woodland. The group walked on up to High Beech Church, noting small Heather plants in the sward and a Holly Blue in the churchyard. Beyond the churchyard a rot-hole in a Beech tree was examined: it produced beetle larvae and the puparium of a hoverfly with its notably elongate apical syphon (breathing tube in the larva). Despite being early in the year, the warm sunny weather brought out several insect species, including queen bumble-bees, a queen wasp, a peacock butterfly and a single specimen of the Cerambycid beetle Rhagium mordax in Paul's Nursery, a single specimen of the long-tongued bee-fly having been noted earlier. A few fungi were noted during the course of the day, all common species, among them Daldinia concentrica, Pseudotrametes gibbosa, Polyporus brumalis and P. squamosus. The curious myxomycete Enteridium lycoperdon was noted on a cut birch stump near High Beech itself. Of the mammals - a Bank Vole was spotted at High Beech and several Grey Squirrels were seen. Mole hills were seen on Fairmead and much evidence of Rabbits noticed on grassland near Paul's Nursery. Mark Hanson ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS 29.12.90 Bam Owl, Burnthouse Lane, Mountnessing Juliette Leswell 1. 1.91 80 Rooks working on old nests White House Farm, North Fambridge J. Friedlein 12.1.91 Grey Phalarope, Abberton A. Boniface 13.1.91 10 Waxwings, Clacton P. J. Peak 13-23.2.91 Build up of 20 Shelduck and 300-400 Wigeon and Teal at White House Farm, North Fambridge J. Friedlein 23. 2.91 1 Pink Foot, 1 White Front and 6 Barnacle Geese, Abberton A. Boniface 3.3.91 1000 Brent Geese leave, North Fambridgs J. Friedlein 14.3.91 First Chiffchaff arrives, North Fambridge J. Friedlein 29.3.91 Short Eared Owl, Lion Creek, Canewdon A. Boniface 6.4.91 First Sand Martins, Abberton A. Boniface 24.4.91 First Swallows, North Fambridge J. Friedlein John Bath