2 back copy would they please send a cheque for this amount to:- Mr John Bath 34 Chestnut Avenue Billericay Essex CM12 9JF stating that it is for the hard-back edition of the Epping Forest book. Please include your name and address. SOUTH-EAST ESSEX FOX WATCH. 22ND MAY, 1991 At approximately 7.15 p.m. 1 and a band of six hopefuls had settled into position in the hope of an entertaining evening watching a family of foxes. However, as the cubs had been pretty elusive this spring I was a little apprehensive, but confident that one or more of the adults would show as normal. Time passed with only the antics of numerous rabbits, amongst a fine display of Meadow Saxifrage, keeping our spirits up. A cold one and a half hours later it was time to admit defeat - no Vulpine voyeurism tonight. Half the 'watchers' departed and just before the rest of us did likewise an adult fox popped its head out of a bush some distance away. That, I'm afraid was that. A rather disappointing evening, but you can't win them all. John Wright A BOTANICAL RAMBLE Complete the story by filling in the various English colloquial names of the plants indicated by their initials! (Answers on page 6) "Very early one morning, R............................................(whose name means remembrance) set out for a walk.There was a beautiful sunrise, but in spite of this MG.......................it was quite chilly and over her FPs.....................................she wore a LC....................................together with one of her Hs...................................... Her WFs..................................were held firmly in place on her golden LTs..................................with aLH-P................................... There were very few people about so early in the morning, but she did meet a CS........-------with a very black face and a shepherd who was looking for his SP..................................which he had lost the previous evening amongst the sheep's S........................................... He was