3 anxious to find it quickly because the red sunrise had given him a SW.....................................that bad weather would soon arrive and it contained his M.....................................(mostly in P&H .......................................) and a B of K......................................as well as his PMB.......................... She helped him to find it then continued on her way. She came to a steep hillside where, far above her, she could see Esau's younger brother's house; so she took a short-cut and climbed over J's L......................................into a MS..........................................with the scent of wild flowers. Glancing at the SS............................................she checked the time. As it was still early she decided to sit and eat her BC............................................and drink her BW..................................... By now, the clouds were beginning to gather so she hurried on past the bog, avoiding the DFT ................................................and past the gate where the old crone lived. She began to feel afraid as the clouds grew darker and she imagined she saw the WH..........................................coming towards her. She thought she could smell the horrible SH......................................that the old crone always carried with her, then she saw CEs............................................gleaming at her from the edge of the dark wood. She screamed in terror when she thought she heard the DHs.......................... ringing but then she heard the sound of HH...................................and suddenly a GS....................... galloped around the bend on a white charger and lifted her to the safety of his saddle. "Sit on my LL ................................" he said, "and 1 will take you home." They galloped away, his faithful BH ................................racing behind until they came to the castle courtyard where her sister BEM ................................was waiting. She got down and thanked him for rescuing her. He replied, "KML................................" (which she did) and "FMN...................................." (which she didn't) and then rode away. The two young ladies were very hungry by this time so they went indoors and were soon sitting down to their B&E........................................which was followed by a bowl of C&C.........................................." Colin Plant BAT ROOST VISIT, 29TH JUNE, 1991 Ten members and friends met in Maldon on this wet Friday to count Pipistrelles emerging from a roost. It is at this time of the year that female bats gather together in nursery colonies for the purpose of raising their young. At this particular, isolated site, the bats start to collect in May and peak numbers are reached in mid-June. By late June, the total is usually about 150 less - these bats have presumably formed a separate colony elsewhere. In 1990, this site held the largest colony in England - 1049 bats were counted in mid-June. This year the peak was 969 on 10th June. At the meeting, 831 bats were counted leaving the roost. These were all adult females, a higher total could be achieved in mid-July when baby bats were starting to emerge for the first time. In addition, four Brown Long-Eared bats were observed in a tight cluster in an outbuilding. A third species seen was a captive Serotine. In this year's cold spring, 6 large bats (2 Noctules, 4 Serotines) have been found grounded. They have all been starving, probably as a result of the