6 Answers to 'A Botanical Ramble' R Rosemary MG morning glory (bindweed) FPs flannel petticoats (hoary mullein) LC lady's cloak (lady's smock) B bonnets (columbine) WF white frills (daisy) LT lady's tresses LH lady's hatpin (field scabious) CS chimney sweeper (ribwort plantain) SP shepherd's purse S sorrel SW shepherd's warning (scarlet pimpernel) M money (yellow rattle) P&H pennies and half pennies (yellow rattle) BofK bunch of keys (cowslip) PV1B poor man's baccy (coltsfoot) JL Jacob's ladder (Solomon's seal) MS meadow sweet SS shepherd's sundial (scarlet pimpernel) BC baley cake (shining Cranesbill) BW beth wine (black bindweed) DFT devil's fly-trap (sundew) WH witches broom SH stinking hellebore CE cats' eyes (herb robert) DH death bells (Snake's-head fritillary) HH horses hooves (marsh marigold) GS gallant soldier (kew daisy/common daisy) LL lap love (bindweed) BH black horehound BEM blue-eyed Mary KML kiss-me-love FGMN forget-me-not H&E bacon and eggs (greater birds'foot trefoil) C&C codlins and cream (great hairy Willowherb)