2 THE PASSMORE EDWARDS MUSEUM Most members will be aware that there is a connection between the Essex Field Club and the Passmore Edwards Museum in Stratford in the London Borough of Newham, but to many, like me, this link has little practical significance. The museum houses the Club's collections and library and is still the official address of the Club. In common with other museums, however, it is currently having difficulties in obtaining adequate resources to carry out its functions properly. The Club, which is represented on the Museum's governing body, has a part to play in supporting the Museum at this time and there is scope for increasing the use made of the Museum by members. A discussion was held at the Museum between the Curator and members of the Council of the Field Club at which the links were explored with a view to both partners playing a more active role in each others affairs. In particular it was suggested that a meeting be held at the Museum in the coming programme so that members could be made more aware of what was held at the Museum and how they could make use of it. Jeremy Ison WHITEHOUSE FARM - N. FAMBRIDGE MAY1991 - MAY 1992 Extracts from reports by Jack Friedlein :- May 6th '91 Turtle Dove and 6 Swallows arrive but by the end of June the Swallow count on the farm is down from the 30 pairs of previous years to 10, there are no Willow Warbler and only one pair of Blackcap whereas Swifts (30-40) are more numerous than usual. Butterfly numbers arepoor excepting Speckled Wood and Orange Tip. Early September sees the departure of the Swallows, Martins and Swifts, Whimbrel are also seen headingforthe coast. Large numbers of Red Admiral, Tortoiseshell and Painted Lady are to be seen. February 9th '92 sees the arrival of 8 Shelduck and the 27th the first Brimstones and Peacocks, 4 Badgers are seen on March 25th and the next day the first Chiffchaff By the 31st Shelduck numbers are up to 44 and the Blackcap arrives. The first Swallow comes on April 19th and the first Willow Warblerthe next day. The 22nd brings the Cuckoo and before the end of the month 8 HouseMartins and a Turtle Dove whilst May 11 th brings the first Swift - theyears cycle is completed once again. THE BIRD GROUP 91-2 The group held 9 meetings during the year wi th an average attendance of only 7.66 members and an aggregate of 92 different species were recorded. Magpie and Wood Pigeon were noted at 8 of the 9 meetings, House Sparrow and Blue Tit at 7 and Gt. Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Mallard, Coot, Canada Goose, Mute Swan, Black Headed Gull, Robin, Crow, Blackbird and Chaffinch at 6. Whilst there were no exceptional sightings we enjoyed seeing Sparrow Hawk and Arctic Skuas at Tilbury, Common Scoter at Brightlingsea, Ruddy Duck at Hanningfield, Gt. Spotted Woodpecker and Spotted Flycatcher at Mill Green, numerous Yellow Wagtails at Bradwell and Willow Tit at PiercingHill. Why don't more of you come to future meetings? JohnBath Chairman