10 Sun. 11th Oct. Beating the Bounds. Sponsered walk around the boundary of Thames Chase, the community forest Choose your distance. Organised with the Muscular Dystrophy Group. Phone 0277374516. Sun. 11th Oct. Fairy Ring Folklore. Find out about the folklore about mushrooms and toadstools during this guided walk through Havering Country Park. Led by Gordon Rutter of the Epping Forest Conservation Centre. Sun. 18th Oct Bird Migration Hornchurch Country Park. See the last summer migrants and the first winter visitors. Starts and finishes at the Squadrons Approach car park, signed off Suttons Lane/Airfield Way. Meet at 2 pm return 4 pm. Sun. 1 st Nov. Autumn Fruits. Help the Ranger collect tree seeds, to be raised at the park's tree nursery. Starts and finishes at Albyn's Farm, Hornchurch Country Park, signed off South End Road, South Hornchurch. NEW MEMBERS Since the last Newsletter we welcomethe foil owingnew members to the club :- Mr R. Breeze Chelmsford Mr P. Luke Maldon Mrs S. Van Maanen Buckhurst Hill Mr D.Winlo Gt. Bardfield Mr J. Hall Fingringhoe Mr C.A. Rawlings Hatfield Peverel John Bath Membership Secretary SUBSCRIPTIONS Despite the item in the last Newsletter subscription reminders have had to be sent to 24 individual members. I hope they will respond quickly and consider arranging future payments by completing the Bankers Order on Page 7 of the last Newsletter. Send payments and/or Orders to John Bath, 34 Chestnut Avenue, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9JF Enquiries to Mr Del Smith, 12Tring Gardens, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 9EP. Telephone Ingrebourne 75555. ______________________________________________________________________