THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSEUM, ROMFORD ROAD. STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 4 November, 1992 HORNETS IN ESSEX In recent decades Hornets have been rare insects in Essex and in fact until this year 1 have never seen one in our county. However I am informed that the species is making a recovery and spreading back across England from the West Country. I was fortunate enough this year to receive a phone call from Colin Jupp a local birdwatcher drawing attention to fact that numerous Hornets had been seen in Dagnam Park (TQ 5593). I went to the park on 17th October and was lucky enough to see maybe a dozen or so flying about some Ash trees occasionally coming to rest on the foliage. I believe all those seen were in fact queens dispersing from a nearby colony. Hornets though an impressive size are by no means the fearsome beasts that people imagine and many other wasp species are more quickly aroused than the Hornet. Hornet colonies are usually founded in hollow trees or stumps often low down and occasionally on the ground in bark, etc. I have over the years often had reports of Hornets but until now they have always proved to be smaller wasp species. Hornets are very obviously much larger than wasp workers being about 20-22 mm. body length and queens sometimes over 28 mm. They are also brown and yellow rather than black and yellow. I would welcome any reports and/or specimens of sightings from Essex. I would also be interested to hear if anyone has any historic recollections or records of Essex Hornets. D. A. Smith, 12 Tring Gardens, Harold Hill, Romford, Essex, RM3 9EP. Telephone 0708-375555 A REQUEST FOR NEWSLETTER ITEMS Please send in items for the Newsletter, short or long, general or specific. There must be lots of interesting observations or records that Field Club members could share with everyone else. What about articles about interesting wildlife sites, habitat changes, wildlife in your garden, how areas near you are managed for wildlife or historical recollections of Essex.