4 SOCIAL WASPS IN ESSEX There are now seven species of social wasp found in Essex. Two other species on the Bntish list remain unrecorded. These are Vespula austriaca (Cuckoo Wasp) which is very rare and mainly found in south-western Britain, the west and the north and Dolichovespula saxonica which has only recently reached Britain. The first British record of D. saxonica was a male collected on 31st July 1987 near Dorking, Surrey. Since then it has slowly been spreading and 2 nests were found as far west as Hampshire. In 1992. It will no doubt not be long before it turns up in Essex. However, its close similiarity to Dolichovespula novegica (Norwegian wasp) means that it can easily be overlooked. The rarest wasp in Essex appears to be Dolichovespula norvegica. There are old records from Lexden (1893), St Osyth (1903), Colchester (1896) and Woodford (1884 and 1888), the only recent record I know of, is a nest found in a fruit tree in Eastwood, Southend on Sea 28th July 1988. The Tree Wasp, Dolichovespula sylvestris seems to be generally uncommon, but well distributed. Nests can be underground, but they are often in trees, shrubs or ivy. It frequently visits Water Figwort flowers for nectar. Dolichovespula media, like D. saxonica is a recent colonist, first recorded in Britain, at Friston Forest, East Sussex in 1982. Since then it has spread westwards and northwards, reaching east Dorset, North Norfolk and Worcestershire. Most nests have been found in bushes, often in gardens. The first Essex record was in 1990 and it is still spreading. Vespula rufa (Red Wasp) does not appear to be common in Essex and all records come wooded areas in the countryside. Our two most common wasps are Paravespula vulgaris (Common Wasp) and Paravespula germanica (German Wasp). Both species seem to be well distributed in the county, including towns and gardens. Identifying Social Wasps Unfortunately, the identification of wasps is not easy. A fairly straightforward key to all British species of social wasp is available from Dr M E Archer, College of Ripon and York St John, York Y03 7EX. Ask for the BWARS Starter Pack with the key to British Social Wasps. The social wasps are classified into 4 genera: Vespa 1 species, Vespa crabro, the Hornet Dolichovespula 4 species, D. sylvestris, D. media, D. norvegica and D. saxonica Vespula 2 species, V. rufa and V. austriaca Paravespula 2 species, P. vulgaris and P. germanica Vespa crabro, the hornet is the largest British wasp. Queens may be more than 3 cms in body length. Hornets are predominantly brown and yellow and can be distinguished from large Dolichovespula by their swollen head (extended vertex) behind the eyes.