8 Paravespula germanica (Fab.) Paravespula vulgaris (L.) Vespula austriaca (Panz.) Roger Payne A FURTHER REQUEST FOR HOUSE SPIDERS Thank you to the Field Club members who responded to my request for house spiders and the green spider Nigma walckenaeri. This has resulted in new records for both the Nigma and the house spider Tegenaria gigantea. Although now probably too late for Nigma to still be found this year, I would again ask for help regarding house spiders. The different Tegenaria species will still be adult, and there are also other spiders commonly associated with houses that are very under- recorded e.g. Amaurobius similis, Zygiella x-notata and Nuctenea umbratica all found under the eaves or in cracks in walls and fences, and the three jumping spiders Salticus scenicus the zebra spider and Euophrys lanigera both found inside or outside the house on walls, near window sills or on fences and outbuildings and Sitticus pubescens, which seems to be found particularly on old walls. The Gum-Squirting spider Scytodes thoracica and the Daddy-Long-Legs spider Pholcus phalangioides are both very characteristic in appearance and could be in any house. The small Theridiid spider Theridion melanurum is very common inside or on the outside of houses and the related species T blackwalli and T. familiare, although apparently very rare are possibly simply overlooked. In 1990 Ray Ruffell found a house spider new to Britain in his own house. Scotophaeus scutulatus looks very like the widespread but under-recorded Mouse spider S. blackwalli and could well have been overlooked before. It is widely distributed in Europe and there seems no real reason why it should not also occur widely in Britain. So once again please send me your spiders! House spiders are tough (that is why they can survive in houses) and are quite safe in the post if sent in a small container like a matchbox or old film capsule. I am happy to refund postage and let you know what you have in your house so what have you got to lose? Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6DE