9 WHATS ON ESSEXFIELDCLUB JANUARY Sunday 31st Bird Group. Heybridge and Chigborough Lakes for wintering birds. Meet carpark TL 871069 at 10.00 am. Phone 0277 651890 for details. FEBRUARY Saturday 20th General Meeting 1372. "Fungi in Epping Forest". Talk by Geoffrey Kibby at Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford. Car park entrance in Writtle Road. Time 3.00 pm. Cup of tea and biscuits provided. MARCH Saturday 6th A.G.M. followed by Presidential Address" Lepidoptera invading Britain". Commencing at 3.00 pm at Red Cross Hall, London Road, Chelmsford. Car Park entrance in Writtle Road. Cup of tea and biscuits provided. Sunday 14th Bird Group. Abberton for early migrants. Meet at Visitor Centre car park TL 963185 at 10.30 am. Phone 0277 651890 for details. Hope to meet you at our new indoor venue. Judith and Tony Boniface CHELMSFORD AND ESSEX MUSEUM 9th Jan-7th Feb. Ivory and Elephants exhibition - see page 5 for details. Friday 19th March Bees - lecture by Clive de Bruyn which will range over the evolution 8 pm of bees, their environment, beekeeping, the hive, honey, royal jelly, pollination and botany. There will be examples of honeycomb and produce at the lecture.