THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSE UM, ROMFORD ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 6 April 1993 EDITORS NOTE Thank you to Del Smith for his work as Editor of the Newsletter. He has handed editorship over to Peter Harvey and items for the Newsletter should therefore now be sent to Peter Harvey at 9 Kent Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6DE. Thank you also to those members who have responded to requests for items to the Newsletter. I would continue to ask members for contributions. There must be lots of interesting observations and information that would be worth sharing with other Field Club members. The next Newsletter is planned for the end of July. Contributions should be with me by mid July please. Peter Harvey SPECIAL MEETINGS Nos. 1 & 2 The connection between the Essex Field Club and the Newham (Passmore Edwards) Museum was described by Jeremy Ison in Newsletter No. 3. The collections and library of the Field Club are housed in Museum premises. Included are important collections and long runs of many important journals. There will be an opportunity for members to view these collections and the library at the Special Meeting on Saturday 8th May and there will be a guided tour and discussion of the work of the Museum at the Special Meeting in the evening on Wednesday 9th June. Please come along and help make these first meetings to the Museum a success. The collections are not normally open to the public but may be consultedby members at other times by arrangement with Colin Plant, Assistant Curator at the Newham Museum (081-470 4525). LARGER MOTHS OF THE LONDON AREA This book on Macrolepidoptera was mentioned in Newsletter No. 4. It will shortly be published and the introductory offer by the London Natural History Society is included with this Newsletter.