9 THE LACEWING RECORDING SCHEME For those interested in taking up the study of lacewings there is a thriving recording scheme in operation which I organise through the Biological Records Centre at Monks Wood. The twice yearly Newsletter contains much useful information and the latest on identification. To join (free!) write to Brian Eversham, Biological Records Centre, Monks Wood, Abbots Ripton, Cambs. A Provisional Atlas showing the distribution of the British species was prepared nearly two years ago (and maps updated last autumn); it should appear this year, though 1 am at the mercy of Monks Wood staff and the Treasury Department! A lacewing workshop is being organised by the British Entomological and Natural History Society at their headquarters near Reading this autumn and I would be pleased to welcome EFC members there (please bring problem specimens if you have any). Meanwhile, 1 positively welcome specimens of lacewings from light-traps, pitfall- traps or any other source (including window ledges). 1 reply to all communications, but it helps considerably if you enclose and sae. REFERENCES Aspock, H., Aspock, U. & Holzel, H 1980 Die Neuropteren Europas. Krefeld: Goeke & Evers. Barnard, P.C. 1988 The genus Raphidia. Neuro News 2: 4 - 5. Barnard, P.C. 1990a A revised key to the genera and subgenera of British Hemerobiidae. Neuro News 5: 3 - 5. Barnard, P.C. 1990b A revised key to the British species of Wesmaelius. Neuro News 6: 6 - 8. Barnard, P.C. 1990c A revised key to the British Chrysopidae. Neuro News 7: 14-17. Fraser, F.C 1957 Mecoptera, Megaloptera and Neuroptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects I (12 & 13), London: Royal Entomological Society Rillington, F.J. 1936 & 1937 A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. London: Ray Society. Plant, CW. 1988 genitalia drawings of male Raphidioptera given in Neuro News 2: 7. Plant, CW. 1989 Identifying alderflies (Sialis sp). Neuro News 4: 4 - 5. Plant, CW. 1991a An introduction to the British wax-flies (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) with a revised key to British species. [Presidential Address to the British Entomological and Natural History Society, read February 1991]. British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 4: 99- 117. Plant, CW. 1991b The separation of females of British species of Panorpa (Mecoptera: Panorpidae). British Journal of Entomology and Natural History 4: 157 - 162. Plant, CW. 1992 Semidalis pseudouncinata Meinander, 1963 (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) new to Britain with a note on its separation from S. aleyrodiformis (Stephens). Entomologist's Gazette 43: 292 - 296. Plant, CW. 1993 Cunctochrysa bellifontensis Leraut, 1988 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), new to Britain with a note on its identification. Entomologist's Gazette 44: 41 - 44. Plant, CW. & Barnard, P.C. 1988 Hemerobius fenestratus Tjeder (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) new to Britain. Entomologist's Gazette 39: 292. Colin W. Plant, Newham Museum Service, The Visitor Centre, East Ham Nature Reserve, Norman Road, London, E6 4HN