10 WHATS ON ESSEX FIELD CLUB MAY Sunday 2nd General Meeting No. 1374. Shoeburyness for General Natural History. Meet 10.00 am east of Coastguard Station. Car Park in Gunners Park. Leader Roger Payne. Phone: 0702 331817 for details. Saturday 8th Special Meeting No. 1. Guided tour of the Natural Sciences Collections and the Field Club Library. Meet at the Centre, East Ham Nature Reserve, St. Mary's Church, Norman Road, East Ham, E6. TQ 430828 at 10.30 am for an 11.00 am start.Please be PROMPT as no access is possible for late comers. Meeting should finish by 2.00 pm. Sunday 9th Amphibians and Reptiles. Recording Meeting. Contact David Scott for details. Phone: 0245 361475. Sunday 16th Bird Group. Fingringhoe Wick for Nightingales. Meet 11.00 am at Visitor Centre Car Park. TM 048193. Leader John Bath. Phone 0277 651890 for details. Saturday 22nd Botany Group. Woodland Plants in Nunty's Wood. Meet 11.00 am at Marks Hall Visitors Centre Car Park. TL 839251. Leader Jeremy Ison. Phone: 0376 345235. JUNE Sunday 6th Botany Group. Exploring the New Additions to Epping Forest. Meet 11.00 am at the Conservation Centre High Beach. Leader Ken Adams. Phone: 081-508 7863. Wednesday 9th Special Meeting No. 2. Visit to the Newham (Passmore Edwards) Museum, Romford Road, Stratford E15 4LZ. Meet 7.30 pm at the Museum for a guided tour and a discussion of the work of the Museum with the Curator. Tea can be provided so it is essential that we know if you are coming. Please phone A. Boniface 0245 266316 in advance so that arrangements can be made. Sunday 13th Bird Group. Hylands Park, Widford followed by the group AGM. Meet 10.30 am at the Car Park. TL 681048. Leader John Bath. Phone: 0277 651890 for details. Botany Group. Priors Wood and London Jock Wood (Possible sites for Sunday 20th Wood Barley). Meet 11.00 am. Widdington Village Street. TL 538317. Leader Ken Adams. Phone: 081-508 7863. General Meeting No. 1375. Woodland Plants in Broadfield and Saturday 26th Belcher's Wood. Meet 11.00 am Road Comer on East Side of Wood. TL 813266. Leader Jeremy Ison. Phone: 0376 345235.