11 JULY Friday 2nd Mammal Group. Bat Roost Visit. Contact John Dobson for details. Phone: 0245 224408. Friday 9th Mammal Group. Bat Walk. Contact John Dobson for details. Phone: 0245 224408. Saturday 10th General Meeting No. 1376. General Natural History. Walk along River Roding. Meet 10.30 am. Lay-by off A414. TL 560041. Leader David Turner. Phone: 0245 267450 for details. Friday 16th Bird Group. Weald Country Park for an Evening Stroll. Meet 7.30 pm at Visitor Car Park. TQ 568940. Leader John Bath. Phone: 0277 651890. Botany Group. River Stort. Meet 11.00 am. Twyford Lock. TL 494193. Sunday 18th Leaders Tim Pyner and Shirley and Charles Watson. Phone: 0702 332425 for details. Botany Group. Thrimley Lane and Bailey Hills. Meet 11.00 am in Saturday 24th Farnham Village. TL 474248. Leader Ken Adams. Phone: 081-508 7863. AUGUST Botany Group. Strethall. Meet 10.30 am. Cross Roads at TL 490405. Leaders Shirley and Charles Watson. Phone: 0279 505309. Sunday 15th