THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSE UM, ROMFORD ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 7 August 1993 FROM THE PRESIDENT At over 100 years old, the Essex Field Club is the senior natural history organisation in the County. Over the last century the Club has made a major contribution to wildlife recording in Essex. Looking back at the achievements of the Club and at the list of past holders of the office is a disconcerting experience for a new President charged with continuing this tradition. One of the great strengths of the club is that we have a distinguished panel of recorders who receive and maintain records of many groups of the County's wildlife. Recently, however, we have been overshadowed by larger organisations such as Essex Wildlife Trust, whose aims are to deal more specifically with the conservation rather than the recording of the County's plants and animals. The Council feel that the time has come to raise the profile of the Club and to restore its true position in recording the natural history of the County. We hope to increase membership by encouraging those with more than a passing interest in natural history to join the Club in addition to the conservation organisations to which they might already belong. Probably most of us will belong to several organisations, each with slightly different, though complementary aims. We also hope that the considerable number of people who would like to improve their skills in wildlife identification will be persuaded to realise that attending Essex Field Club meetings is one of the best ways to do this. Another development will be to change the style of the journal. For the past sixteen years, each issue of the Essex Naturalist has dealt with a single topic, and this series has been much acclaimed. We intend now that the Essex Naturalist will revert to the more traditional style of natural history journal, containing a number of different articles on a variety of topics, with reports from the specialist groups and accounts of notable finds made during the previous year. In this way it is hoped that the Naturalist will give an account of the Club's activities and will provide a permanent and accessible record of the County's wildlife. Jeremy Ison