7 22 species of butterfly were recorded in the transects with the appearance in the park of the Ringlet for the first time in 1992. There were also unconfirmed sightings within the park of a Clouded Yellow in 1990 and Purple Hairstreak in 1992. A summary of the annual totals 1990-1992 are given below: 1990 1991 1992 (13 (16 (24 transects) transects) transects) Meadow Brown 48 86 206 Holly Blue 47 2 2 Small White 19 34 167 Speckled Wood 16 16 58 Large White 14 14 245 Green Veined White 8 3 58 Small Heath 6 3 6 Small Tortoiseshell 6 22 75 Peacock 5 9 69 Brimstone 4 0 13 Hedge Brown 4 21 100 Small Copper 4 7 21 Common Blue 3 3 19 Small Skipper 3 10 103 Wall Brown 3 2 1 Large Skipper 2 8 7 Orange Tip 2 1 2 Red Admiral 2 10 11 Comma 1 0 7 Essex Skipper 0 3 68 Painted Lady 0 1 1 Ringlet 0 0 3 Total 197 255 1242 The maximum number of transects possible each year = 26