11 ESSEX WILDLIFE TRUST AUGUST Sunday 8th Exploring more of the River Chelmer. Meet 11.00 am Rectory Road Car Park, Hadleigh. Leader Tim Pyner (0702 332425) Sunday 15th Guided walk - Upper Roman River Valley. Meet at Oliver's Farm car park, Olivers Lane at 2.30 pm, finish approximately 5.00 pm. Leader John Thorogood. Saturday 21st Moth Evening at Great Holland Pits. Walk around reserve. 7.30 pm onwards. SEPTEMBER Sunday 5th Barling sea-wall Walk. Meet at 11.00 am Barling Church. Leader Tim Pyner (0702 332425). Sunday 5th Howlands Marsh Open Day. Thursday 23rd "Birds of Spain". An illustrated talk by Dr Martin Hemy. United Reform Church Hall, High Street, Gt Baddow. 8.15 pm. Sunday 26th Fungus Foray - Loshes Meadow Nature Reserve. Map Ref. TL 873369 at 2.00 pm. Leader Martin Gregory. OCTOBER Friday 15th Vivian Robson Memorial Lecture - Natural Pest Control - ladybirds as the gardener's friend. An illustrated talk by Dr Mike Kajerus from Cambridge University. 8.00 pm Causeway House, Braintree. NOVEMBER Thursday 11th Wildlife and Conservation on the Essex Coast. An illustrated talk by Dr Chris Gibson, Conservation Officer with English Nature. Braintree Town Hall Centre, 8.00 pm.