12 WHATS ON IN HAVERING AUGUST Thursday 5th Pond Dipping at Havering Country Park. Suitable for children aged 6- 12. Organised by the London Borough of Havering. For booking and details ring 0708 772874. Monday 9th Evening Walk around Cranham Marsh Nature Reserve led by Havering members of the Essex Wildlife Trust. Meet at Park Drive/ Argyle Gardens entrance to the reserve at 7.15 pm. For further information please contact Joy Emerson on 0708 440297. Wednesday 11th Fun Day at Duck Wood. Fun and games for children between the ages of 7 and 12 in this woodland nature reserve - pond dipping, badge making and much more. Organised by the London Borough of Havering. To book ring 0708 772874. Friday 20th Go Bats at the Chase Nature Reserve. Enjoy an evening guideed walk with the London Wildlife Trust at this fascinating nature reserve. More details and booking ring 081-593 8096 Sunday 22nd Country Bike Ride at Hornchurch Country Park. A gentle bike ride through the Country Park. Discover its many hidden delights. Ideal for families keen to ride "off the road". Bring your bikes & refreshments. Organised by the London Borough of Havering. To book ring 0708 772874. Tuesday 24th Ingrebourne Exploration. Environmental fun and games including mini-beast hunts at Hornchurch Country Park. Suitable for children aged 7-12 years. Organised by the London Borough of Havering. To book ring 0708 772874. Track and Crack. A treasure hunt with a wildlife theme in Havering Country Park. Suitable for children of 7 years and upwards. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Organised by the London Borough of Havering. Further details and booking ring 0708 772 874. Thursday 26th SEPTEMBER Monday 13th "Birds of the Estuaries" at Hornchurch Library meeting room. A talk by Bob Glover illudtrated with slides. Admission charge of 75p goes to the Essex Wildlife funds. Refreshments available during the interval and the meeting ends at 10.00 pm. More details from Joy Emerson on 0708 440297. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in November, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM17 6DE by the second week of October by the latest.