THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSE UM, ROMFORD ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 8 November 1993 THE PASSMORE EDWARDS MUSEUM For a long time the London Borough of Newham has been the principal source of funding for the Passmore Edwards Museum, but it has been experiencing increasingly serious financial restrictions in recent years. This has inevitably had its impact on the Musuem with opening hours reduced, staff made redundant and services restricted in various ways. There are now further expenditure reductions being sought for the 1994/5 budget which could have a serious affect on the Museum necessitating the closure of one of the services. The Museum house the collections and library of the Essex Field Club and there are clearly serious implications for the Club. These have been discussed by the Field Club Council which is exploring ways forward to safeguard the Club's collections and library. The Council will keep members informed of progress in the situation. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in January, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM17 6DE by the last week of December.