THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB HEADQUARTERS: THE PASSMORE ED WARDS MUSE UM, ROMFORD ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E15 4LZ NEWSLETTER NO. 9 January 1994 EDITOR'S NOTE In this Newsletter there is an appeal for help in recording a site near Basildon to help provide information to prevent its development. So much wildlife habitat has been destroyed or drastically degraded in recent decades that we are often looking at small remnants of the wealth that there must have been for previous generations. Sites of interest are so often discovered too late to protect or with too little time to properly survey especially for their invertebrate interest. Even when sites are identified and given a measure of protection that is no sure prevention against their future destruction. Take Twyford Down, now only too notorious as one example of many where sites of national importance have been destroyed to make way for new roads, housing or retail developments and farming improvements. One of the strengths of the Essex Field Club has been its contribution to the recording of the wildlife of the county. We have a distinguished panel of Recorders who receive and maintain records of the many groups of flora and fauna to be found in the county and a membership that includes many experienced naturalists and people with a keen interest in wildlife. I would add my plea to that of Phil Butler for as much active help as possible in recording the Basildon site this year. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in early April, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM17 6DE by the last week of March.