10 WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB APRIL Wed. 20th Bird Group. Belthus Woods Country Park for migrants. Meet 10.30 am at car park TQ565825. Leader John Bath. Phone: (0277) 651890 for details. Sunday 24th General Meeting 1384. The four seasons recording project. Amphibians and aquatic invertebrates in the Backwarden Reserve. Meet 10.00 am at car park TL 782039. Leaders David Scott and Tony Boniface. Phone: (0245) 266316 for details. Mammal Group. Gardening for amphibians. Afternoon meeting 2.30 pm. Phone: John Dobson for details (0245) 224408. Saturday 30th MAY Sunday 8th General Meeting No. 1385. Botany and birds at Marks Hall. Meet 10.30 am at Visitor Centre car park TL 839251. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface. Phone: (0245) 266316 for details. Saturday 14th Botany Group. Flowering plants and mosses. Chalkney Wood. Meet Forestry Commission car park TL 872279 at 10.30 am. Leaders Jeremy Ison, phone: (0376) 345235 and Ken Adams phone: 081-508 7863. Friday 20th Mammal Group. Evening meeting in Southend area. Phone John Wright: (0702) 78409 for details. Sunday 22nd Insect Pests. A search for common species. Meet at Farm Shop car park TQ579923. Leaders Mark Hanson and David Bloomfield. Phone: (0277) 210247 for details. Sunday 29th Botany Group. Chalk flora of Purfleet. Meet at Purfleet station TQ554781 at 11.00 am. Leader Ken Adams. Phone: 081-508 7863. JUNE Sunday 5th Geology Group. Joint meeting with Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Red crag fossils at Walton-on-Naze. Meet outside Cafe near the tower TM 265234 at 10.00 am. Please phone the leader Graham Ward if attending: (0277) 218473. Friday 10th Bird Group. Botany and birds. An evening walk at Mountnessing along the river Wid followed by Bird Group A.G.M. Meet TQ 623974 at entrance of track at 7.00 pm. Leaders Judith and Tony Boniface. Phone: (0245) 266316 for details. Sunday 12th General Meeting 1386.Biological recording at Old Water Works site, Sandford Mill. Phone Tony Boniface: (0245) 266316 if attending as entrance is through a locked gate at 10.30 am. Dr Tony Walentowicz will have the key. TL 739063.