11 Saturday 18th Noak Bridge. Recording meeting for invertebrates. Meet Village Hall car park . TQ 696905 at 10.30 am. Leader Peter Harvey. Phone: (0375) 371571 for details. Friday 24th Mammal Group. Bat roost visit. Evening meeting at 9.00 pm. Phone John Dobson for details: (0245) 224408. Saturday 25th Botany Group. Woodland Plants. Witch Wood in the Marks Hall complex. Meet TL 855256 at 10.30 am. Leader Jeremy Ison. Phone: (0376) 345235 for details. Sunday 26th Geology Group. Joint meeting with Essex Rock and Mineral Society. London clay fossils at Osea Island near Maldon. Meet at Decoy Point TL 891070 at 7.15 am to return by noon. Please phone the leader Graham JULY Ward if attending: (0277) 218473. Saturday 2nd General Meeting 1387. Plants and general natural history, Christhall Church. Meet in Church car park at TL 451386. Time 11.00 am. Leaders Charles and Shirley Watson. Phone: (0279) 505309 for details. Friday 8th Mammal Group. Bat Walk. Evening meeting at 9.00 pm. Phone: John Dobson for details: (0245) 224408. Sunday 10th Botany Group. General botany around Leez Prioiy. Meet outside the Priory at TL 699185. Time 11.00 am. Leader Tim Pyner. Phone: (0702) 332425 for details. Friday 15th Bird Group. Evening at Hanningfield reservoir. Meet on the Causeway TQ 723971 at 7.00 pm. Leader John Bath. Phone: (0277) 651890 for details. Saturday 16th Botany Group. Woodland plants. Little Hales Wood, Ashdon. Meet TL 574410 at 10.30 am. Leader Jeremy Ison. Phone: (0376) 345235 for details. Sunday 24th Geology Group. Joint meeting with Essex Rock and Mineral Society. Erratics, minerals and fossils in quarries around Stanway and in a private mineral collection. Meet at Bob Burton's house, 11 Warren Lane, Stanway, opposite quarry at 2.00 pm. Please phone David Turner if attending: (0245) 267450. Sunday 31st Bird Group. Copt Hall marshes, Great Wigborough. Meet at National Trust car park. TL 981146 at 10.30 am. Leader John Bath. Phone: (0277) 651890 for details. AUGUST Saturday 6th General Meeting. The four seasons recording project. Danbury Common. Flowering plants, birds, invertebrates etc. Meet Danbury Common car park TL 782045 at 10.30 am. Phone Tony Boniface: (0245) 266316 if attending. Sunday 7th Galls in Epping Forest. Joint meeting with British Gall Society. Meet Conservation Centre car park TQ 413982 at 10.00 am. Leaders Dr Brian Spooner and Jerry Bowdrey.