Theridion tinctum Asilid flies Eristalis tenax Theridion varians Ferninandea cuprea Enoplognatha thoracica Dioctria atricapillus Helophilus pendulus Enoplognatha ovata Dioctria hyalipennis Heringia heringi Enoplognatha latimana Dioctria rufipes Meliscaeva auricollis Metellina mengei Dysmachus trigonus Parhelophilus versicolor Tetragnatha obtusa RDB3 Eutolmus rufibarbis Pipiza bimaculata Agalenatea redii Leptogaster cylindrica Pipizella varipes Araniella opistographa Machimus atricapillus N Pipizella virens Nb Zilla diodia Syrphus balteatus Walckenaeria antica Stratiomyid flies N Triglyphus primus Walckenaeria unicornis Volucella bombylans Pocadicnemis juncea Chloromyia formosa N Volucella inanis Neriene clathrata RDB2 Stratiomys longicornis Volucella pellucens Neriene peltata Xanthogramma citrofasciatum Tabanid flies Xanthogramma pedissequum Diptera Chrysops relictus Lepidoptera Bombyliid flies Syrphid flies Green Hairstreak Common Blue Bombylius major Chalcosyrphus nemorum Gatekeeper Cheilosia species D Grayling Conopid flies Cheilosia honesta Meadow Brown Cheilosia vernalis Ringlet Conops ceriaeformis Cheilosia bergenstammi Speckled Wood Myopa buccata Chrysotoxum bicinctum Comma Physocephala rufipes Chrysotoxum cautum Small tortoiseshell Sicus ferrugineus Chrysotoxum festivum Painted Lady RDB3 Zodion notatum Chrysotoxum verralli Large Skipper Dasysyrphus albostriatus Small Skipper Empid flies Epistrophe eligans Six-spot Burnet Eristalis arbustorum Zygaena filipendulae Lissempis nigritarsis Eristalis intricarius Six-belted Clearwing Bembecia scopigera Peter Harvey TWO INTERESTING WASP RECORDS IN ONE GO! On the 19th of June I was walking by the side of Childerditch Pond at Thorndon Park North when I noticed (and collected) a large wasp scraping wood fibres from the fence paling at one end of the pond. Continuing along the path I then noticed a second even larger wasp (Dolichovespula media) nearly the size of a hornet worker scraping wood from a fence paling at the opposite end of the fence! Using an old key I initially identified the first wasp as Dolichovespula norvegica, a rare wasp with only one recent record in the county. However using the new key published by George Else recently in British Wildlife it became clear that it is in fact Dolichovespula saxonica and new to the county (although this needs confirmation). Both D. media and D. saxonica were first recorded in Britain relatively recently (1980 and 1987 respectively) and are thought to have been introduced into Britain. Both have been steadily spreading, D. media extending from east Kent to north-west Devon and northwards to Lincolnshire and D. saxonica being recorded from Norfolk, Greater London, Surrey, West and East Sussex and Hampshire (Identification, Social Wasps by George Else in British Wildlife June 1994). Peter Harvey