Rumex acetosa Rumex acetosella Rumex crispus Rumex obtusifolius Rumex sanguineus Sagina apetala ssp erecta Sagina procumbens Salix alba Salix alba var caerulea Salix cinerea ssp cineria Salix cineria ssp oleifolia Salix x reichardtii Salix viminalis Sambucus nigra Schoenoplectus lacustris Scrophularia auriculata Sedum album Senecio erucifolius Senecio jacobaea Senecio viscosus Senecio vulgaris Silene alba Silene dioica Sisymbrium officinale Solanum dulcamara Sonchus arvensis Sonchus asper Sorrel Sheep's Sorrel Curled Dock Broad-leaved Dock Red-vcincd Dock Pearlwort Procumbent Pearlwort White Willow Cricket-bat Willow Grey Willow Rusty Willow A hybrid Willow Osier Elder Bulrush Water Betony White Stonecrop Hoary Ragwort Ragwort Stinking Groundsel Groundsel White Campion Red Campion Hedge Mustard Woody Nightshade Field Milk Thistle Spiny Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus Sorbus aucuparia Sparganium erectum Stachys sylvatica Stellaria graminea Stellaria media Symphytum officinale Tragopogon pratensis ssp minor Trifolium dubium Trifolium ornithopodioides Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens Triple Urospermum inodorum Trisetum flavescens Tussilago farfara Ulex europaeus Urtica dioica Veronica arvensis Veronica chamaedrys Veronica persica Veronica serpyllifolia Vicia sativa Vulpia bromoides Sow Thistle Rowan Bur-reed Hedge Woundwort Lesser Stitchwort Chickweed Comfrey Goat's Beard Lesser Yellow Trefoil Birdsfoot Fenugreek Red Clover White Clover Scentless Mayweed Yellow Oat Coltsfoot Gorse Stinging Nettle Wall Speedwell Germander Speedwell Large Field Speedwell Thyme-leaved Speedwell Common Vetch Barren Fescue NOAK BRIDGE FIELD MEETING SATURDAY 18TH JUNE 1994 The purpose of this meeting was to help record the wildlife interest in an area of old Plotlands near Basildon that is under threat from housing development. We were shown round by the local champion of the site Betty Haynes and Phil Butler, a member of the Field Club who has been helping to record the area. The site is now mainly composed of scrub and secondary woodland with small areas of surviving grassland. There is a pond with marshy edges and much of the site is wet during the winter and spring. The pond was extremely low at the time of our meeting, quite possibly due to drainage work being carried out for the nearby housing development. Spiders were recorded by David Can-, Spiders, Woodlice, Hoverflies and Hymenoptera by Peter Harvey. The most notable find was a female Singa hamata only the fourth record for the county. This attractive spider was found in its retreat in herbage by the side of the path near the pond. Judging from its other Essex localities it may possibly require uncut or ungrazed herbage and the vicinity of water. Other Nationally Scarce species recorded were the spiders Philodromus praedatus and Zilla diodia, the hoverfly Pipizella virens and the solder fly Odontomyia tigrina. Both spiders have in recent years turned out to be quite widespread in the county. Other local species of interest were the Crab spiders Ozyptila brevipes and Misumena vatia, several of which were seen with prey, and the Jumping spider Ballus chalybeius. Higher Plants were recorded by Tony Boniface during the meeting and on a subsequent visit. One hundred and eight species were identified. Species of note included Wild Service tree Sorbus torminalis, Grass Vetchling Lathyrus nissola, Dyer's Greenweed Genista tinctoria and Twiggy Spurge Euphorbia x pseudovirgata.