15 WHATS ON: ESSEX FIELD CLUB SEPTEMBER Saturday 3rd General Meeting 1388. Fungus Foray. The Brookes reserve. Meet road corner on east side of wood TL 813267, on road from Stisted to Greenstead Green. Time 10.30 am. Leader Martin Gregory. Phone: (0245) 223300 for details. Sunday 18th Bird Group. Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury. Meet at car park TQ 690768 at 10.30 am. Leader John Bath. Phone: (0277) 651890 for details. Geology Group. The evolution and drainage of the fens. Meet at the Sunday 25th picnic area on the A1065 at Barton Mills, 9 miles north east of Newmarket TL 728743 at 10.00 am. It is essential to phone the leader Peter Allen if attending to avoid being left behind. Phone: (0992) 630661. OCTOBER Sunday 2nd General Meeting No. 1389. The four seasons recording project. Danbury area. Morning. Mice, voles and dormice in the Backwarden reserve. Meet 9.00 am at car park TL 782039. Leader John Dobson. Phone: (0245) 224408 for details. Followed by Fungus Foray on Danbuiy Common. Leader Tony Boniface. Phone: (0245) 266316 for details. Recorders for other groups also needed. Bird Group. Dungeness RSPB Reserve. Meet 11.00 am at entrance near Boulderwall Farm. TR 063196. Leader John Bath. Phone: (0277) 651890 for details. Sunday 16th Botany Group. Fungus Foray in Epping Forest. Meet 10.30 am at Sunday23rd Epping Forest Conservation Centre car park. Leader Martin Gregoiy. Phone: (0245) 223300 for details. NOVEMBER Saturday 12th General Meeting 1390. "Pyrenean Butterflies" talk by David Corke at 3.00 pm. Red Cross hall, London Road, Chelmsford. (Car park entrance in Writtle Road). Bird Group. Southend pier for sea birds. Meet at 10.30 am at pier entrance. Leader Judith Boniface. Phone: (0245) 266316 for details. Sunday 27th CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NEXT NEWSLETTER Please send contributions for the next Newsletter, due out in November, to the Editor, Mr Peter Harvey, 9 Kent Road, Grays, RM17 6DE by the end of the second week of October.